Debut play tells the riveting true story of Margaret Sanger at Brighton Fringe

Sarah Hickingbottom stars in The Woman Who Conceived The PillSarah Hickingbottom stars in The Woman Who Conceived The Pill
Sarah Hickingbottom stars in The Woman Who Conceived The Pill
Brass Tacks Theatre brings The Woman Who Conceived The Pill to Brighton Fringe with performances on May 18, 19 and June 1, 2, 3 at Exeter Street Hall, Exeter Street.

It is written and performed by Sarah Hickingbottom who sets the scene: “Margaret Sanger’s telephone rings in 1960 with news of the Pill… approved by the US Food & Drug Administration or not?

“As this woman who adores sex hesitates to pick up, her story reveals itself via inter-cutting past timelines.

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“Age nine, Margaret discovers condoms and runs home to tell her Catholic mum-of-11; in 1917 Margaret organises a rally against America’s criminalisation of contraception while her sister grips the nation with her prison hunger strike; and in 1950 Margaret finds a willing–but-broke scientist. But can she find the money to develop the pill?”

Sarah wrote the play – her playwriting debut – because it’s a riveting story, crying out to be told, she says: “Women gave women the pill and nobody celebrates that fact.

“Sure, men stood at lab benches but they were paid and directed by women.

“As a woman with a chemistry background myself I understand how this works and, as Trump and his cohorts push against women’s rights, we should remind ourselves how brutal life was before legal and reliable birth control.

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“We want to entertain, but shock and empower too. If one woman – born working class, limited education, no right to vote – can change the world, then we can all do anything.”

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