Westgate triathletes shine in the north - and south

CWTC members at ArundelCWTC members at Arundel
CWTC members at Arundel
Chichester Westgate Triathlon Club members had a good weekend competing at the Arundel Triathlon and Ironman UK Bolton.

The Leyzene Arundel Triathlon this year was the age-group qualifier for the 2017 ITU standard distance, making the field of competitors very strong as they were all competing for places at the Rotterdam standard distance world championship.

CWTC had 13 representatives aiming to qualify: Ben Short, Adam McCulloch, Mike Cooper, Richard Johnson, Stephen Hasler, Stuart Wilson, John Bullard, Ian Gay, Anne Sydenham, Trudy Cunningham, Mary Campbell, Trycha Darling and Katja Low.

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All members put in strong performances and will now have to wait to see if they have done enough to claim a qualification slot.

CWTC had one relay team who came second in the overall standings, consisting of Darren Nice, Emily Riley and Kasia Dickson.

The Chi club had four members competing at the Ironman UK Bolton event on Sunday. All managed to complete the tough 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike course and 26.2-mile run in strong times.

Times: Lizzie Gerard: 13:34:25; Adrian Karn: 12:27:57; James Birchall: 12:24:30; James Cairns: 11:44:50.

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This Sunday, CWTC take a team of competitors to Redhill to attempt to score points towards the senior south-east triathlon series.

CWTC have competed at Burgess Hill Triathlon (finishing second in the standings) and are hoping to be in a good position going into the last event in September at the Southwater relays.

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