Series of arsons hit public loos in Rother

Public toilets in Channel View East, Bexhill.
Closed after arsonists caused more than ?2,000. SUS-160202-125953001Public toilets in Channel View East, Bexhill.
Closed after arsonists caused more than ?2,000. SUS-160202-125953001
Public toilets in Channel View East, Bexhill. Closed after arsonists caused more than ?2,000. SUS-160202-125953001
Rother District Council has been left with repair bills of more than £5,000 following a series of arson attacks at public toilets in Bexhill and Battle.

There have been three separate attacks on facilities over the past month.

Cllr Eleanor Kirby-Green, the council’s portfolio holder for safer communities, said: “These mindless attacks are costing the taxpayer money, money that could be used to provide the important services that residents rely on.

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“In all three incidents, there was potential for the fire to spread to neighbouring buildings and it was only thanks to our fire alarm system and a quick response by the fire service that this didn’t happen.

The damage to the toilet in Channel View, Bexhill SUS-160202-140910001The damage to the toilet in Channel View, Bexhill SUS-160202-140910001
The damage to the toilet in Channel View, Bexhill SUS-160202-140910001

“I would urge members of the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour to the police immediately.”

The first incident happened in Egerton Park, Bexhill where a fire was started in the disabled toilet at around 9pm on Monday, December 28.

East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service attended and prevented the fire from spreading.

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In the second incident, which happened over the weekend of January 22 to 25, a fire was started at the public conveniences in Market Square, Battle.

The damage to the toilet in Channel View, Bexhill SUS-160202-140910001The damage to the toilet in Channel View, Bexhill SUS-160202-140910001
The damage to the toilet in Channel View, Bexhill SUS-160202-140910001

This incident caused around £2,000 worth of damage.

The fire was extinguished before it could spread to the neighbouring building.

In the latest attack, arsonists caused more than £2,000 of damage to the men’s toilets at Channel View East in Bexhill.

East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service were called in the afternoon of Tuesday, January 26 and prevented the fire spreading to Bexhill Rowing Social Club, which leases the property above and next to the toilets.

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Sussex Police have issued a witness appeal and are urging anyone who may be able to help track down the culprit.

Anyone with information, or sees anything suspicious, is urged to contact police by email [email protected] or by calling 101.

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