Senior golfers donate thousands

The bike riders at the start in Reading, from left to right: Tad Paluchowski, John Smith, Steve Mead, Dave Hutchins Qrza1gJuqyUEZAfJ8rpnThe bike riders at the start in Reading, from left to right: Tad Paluchowski, John Smith, Steve Mead, Dave Hutchins Qrza1gJuqyUEZAfJ8rpn
The bike riders at the start in Reading, from left to right: Tad Paluchowski, John Smith, Steve Mead, Dave Hutchins Qrza1gJuqyUEZAfJ8rpn
After a year of fundraising, the senior members of Horsham Golf (& Fitness) presented a collecting tin containing a cheque for £4,300 to Whizz-kidz '“ the charity which provides specially adapted wheelchairs for young people with severe disabilities.

The club’s senior members made weekly ‘donations’ every time their balls landed in water hazards and the Captain’s Charity Day in July 2015 raised over £1,200.

However, the big fund-raiser was a 100-mile sponsored cycle ride along the banks of the Kennett and Avon Canal in September last year, which raised almost £2,000.

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The members also raffled two sets of golf clubs donated by Brian Barnes raising £1,000, of which £800 went to Macmillan Nurses, Brian’s nominated charity, and £200 to Whizz-kidz.

JoJo Blythen, Whizz-kidz area manager, told the senior members how their contribution was being used by the charity to transform the life of a young person in the South-East.

Whizz-kidz works with the families of the young people concerned to make sure the equipment is tailored to the specific needs of the user and takes into account the home environment in which it will be used.

She said,the sum raised by the members would provide the ‘Ferrari’ equivalent of a wheelchair.