Record entries for Autumn Show

Beckley Horticultural Society had a record number of entries for its autumn show recently,

Over 40 people entered, twice as many than for the same show last year, with a total of 210 exhibits.

Gail Pinder was awarded the Autumn Shield for the most points in all classes and Phil Maynard was awarded Best in Show overall for his onions.

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Ron Juden, the Society’s Chairman, said: “I haven’t seen a show as well attended as this for a long time. All the exhibitors did the village proud, with a splendid display of the vegetables, fruits and flowers of autumn.

“This was English gardening at its finest. And as for cakes, pasties, jams, and chutneys – well, the table would have held its own in the Harrods Food Hall! I can’t wait to see what next year will bring.”

This year there was also a special new class for people to enter which was to write a poem based on nature, and the widely respected writer Christopher Lee, who lives in Beckley, was the judge. He wrote the long-running and award winning series This Sceptred Isle which was broadcast on Radio 4