Katy Bourne seeking re-election as Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner

Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy BourneSussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne
Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne
Sussex’s Police and Crime Commissioner is looking to be returned for a third term next month.

Conservative Katy Bourne was first elected in 2012 when the role was created and says she has the ‘experience and proven track record to continue making a difference to policing our county’.

The PCC is responsible for setting Sussex Police’s £310million budget, has powers to appoint and dismiss the chief constable and must ensure residents’ views are represented when setting policing priorities.

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Ms Bourne added: “As PCC, I have robustly held the police to account on behalf of residents, successfully supported victims of crime and invested heavily in frontline policing.”

She lists some of her achievements as driving a rise in police numbers with more front-line officers than when she was re-elected in 2016, restoring neighbourhood policing and recruiting more PCSOs, establishing an early-intervention scheme called REBOOT for 11-17-year-olds, delivering on rural and business community crime concerns with a dedicated rural crime team and a Sussex Safer Business Partnership, reducing the non-emergency 101 call waiting times by 75 per cent, ensuring Sussex Police treat road safety and anti-social behaviour seriously and directing millions of pounds to support all victims of crime as well as diverting young people from harm and helping communities protect themselves especially women and girls.

Ms Bourne’s campaign is focusing on a six-point plan for ‘more police and safer streets’.

These are:

• Continuing to cut crime, catch more criminals, fight drugs gangs, county lines and serious violence and reduce reoffending – making everyone safer in Sussex

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• Further recruitment of officers and PCSOs to increase frontline policing and make it more visible

• More action on rural crime, including continued investment into the rural crime team and expansion of the DISC app reporting pilot for farmers and rural businesses

• Investment in roads policing to tackle antisocial driving and speeding

• Make shops and businesses safer places to work by establishing a dedicated business crime team within Sussex Police

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• Support victims of crime, especially the elderly and young, and protect our most vulnerable from all forms of abuse.

Other candidates are Lib Dem Jamie Bennett, Green Kahina Bouhassane, Labour and Co-operative Paul Richards and Independent Roy Williams.

Polling day is Thursday May 6 with results expected on Monday May 10.

County council elections are also being held on the same day.