Hastings Extinction Rebellion crew stage die-in at Bexhill Festival of Sea

XR Boat 2 SUS-191209-122504001XR Boat 2 SUS-191209-122504001
XR Boat 2 SUS-191209-122504001
The Hastings and St Leonards Extinction Rebellion (XR) crew made another voyage with their infamous pink ‘Polly Higgins’ boat on Sunday 8th September, carrying the vessel all the way on foot from St Leonards to the De La Warr Pavilion for their Festival of the Sea.

The pink willow and paper boat formed the centrepiece for the latest XR ‘die-in’ non-violent action, where everyone laid down on the DLWP Terrace to form a circle that represented the earth.

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This was the first time XR has organised a ‘Manifestation’ (action) in Bexhill. As part of the DLWP’s ‘Thinking Through Climate Action’ Festival activity, the XR crew also invited members of the community to join them and write letters to the earth on the ground at the Terrace, and together they discussed how Bexhill can work together to help create a better future.

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XR Boat 1 SUS-191209-122214001

Local XR member and photographer, Dave Bruce took action photos on the day and says: “We felt that the Festival was the ideal next voyage destination for us as the event focuses on marine and wildlife conservation, which is very much on the hearts of everyone at Extinction Rebellion.

“The coastal location seemed like a natural choice for our ‘die-in’. We are all very privileged to live in such a beautiful area and urge local people to all do their part to preserve this by respecting our beaches and disposing of their litter responsibly, and to stop buying or using products made of harmful plastics that make their way into our global marine life, oceanic eco-systems and food chains too.”

Based on stark evidence from leading global scientists, Extinction Rebellion believes that today’s political and economic systems promote and support consumer-focussed lifestyles. Compromising the air we breathe, the water we drink, the earth we plant in, what we eat, and the beauty and diversity of nature that nourishes our psychological well-being. They say we must act now before the climate and ecological emergency spirals out of control.

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