The perils of job-hunting in a town like Worthing

I READ Mandy Hawkins' letter about her difficulties in finding employment in the Worthing area with interest and sympathy, as I have had exactly the same experience.

Having lived in Sussex for most of my working life, I have always been in continuous employment, apart from when I took a break when my children were small.

But this all changed when I moved to Worthing and began to look for a job.

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I ended up having to apply for Jobseeker's Allowance for a time and I have since done a myriad of office jobs, some found through local agencies and others I have secured myself.

Unfortunately, all temporary.

Again, I have many years of experience in working in all kinds of commercial businesses, large and small, and have always been very much valued as an employee.

I am fortunate enough to be employed at the moment but it does seem to be a problem in and around Worthing as I have met others in much the same situation.

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