Olympic Torch relay - share your day with us!

THE Olympic torch’s arrival in East Sussex next week is what dreams are made of, and we want you to share your day with us.

Throughout Tuesday and Wednesday as the torch continues its passage through the county, we’ll be covering its progress every step of the way with our team of reporters and photographers who will be lining the route. They’ll be capturing the words and images of this once-in-a-lifetime event which we will be posting on our websites hastingsobserver.co.uk, www.bexhillobserver.net and ryeandbattle.observer.co.uk throughout the day - and next Friday we’ll be producing a special supplement in your Observers to mark this momentous occasion. But we want you to play your part too by sharing both your memories and images with us.

Tell us how you are celebrating the Olympic torch relay - are you having a party, setting up special banners, doing something different?

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