Call for event submissions at Brighton Digital Festival

Virtual reality at last year's Brighton Digital FestivalVirtual reality at last year's Brighton Digital Festival
Virtual reality at last year's Brighton Digital Festival
The month-long Brighton Digital Festival has launched its new website and is now open for event submissions.

Digital event organisers are invited to register their events for free to become part of the UK’s largest exploration of digital culture.

Laurence Hill, the festival manager, said: ''The festival really starts to come to life when the website opens for event submissions. The independently organised events bring so much diversity to the festival and are so reflective of the depth of creativity and innovation in the city, it’s like having a commissioning panel of 100+ people.’’

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Confirmed events so far include the first in house Brighton Digital Festival Conference, The Messy Edge, which will explore the frontiers of digital culture in a day of talks and installations at the Attenborough Centre for Creative Arts. Global award for digital art, The Lumen Prize, will open a yearlong, touring exhibition of recent prizewinners’ art at the Brighton Digital Festival.

Laurence HillLaurence Hill
Laurence Hill

A new installation by Dominic Hawgood, co-commissioned by the British Science Festival, will also be on show as part of this year’s festival, as well as the 2016 sell-out vrLAB, which will return to The Old Market at the end of September.

Event submissions are open to individuals or groups interested in holding business, arts or community based events that engage with digital culture in Brighton and Hove, between September 14 and October 13.

Interested parties should submit event details before midnight on August 6 to be considered for publication in the official festival brochure. Submissions are open until September 13 for the website listing.