BREAKING NEWS: Huw Merriman holds on to Bexhill and Battle seat

Huw MerrimanHuw Merriman
Huw Merriman
Huw Merriman has cruised to a landslide victory in the general election to keep hold of the Bexhill and Battle seat.

The Conservative candidate secured 36,854 votes – 22,165 ahead of second-placed candidate Christine Bayliss with 14,689 votes.

The Labour candidate’s result was a vast improvement on 2015, when the party secured 7,797 votes with candidate Michelle Thew.

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Mr Merriman increased his votes by 6,609 and increased his majority from 20,075 votes to 22,165 votes.


Huw Merriman (CON): 36,854

Christine Bayliss (LAB): 14,689

Joel Kemp (LIB DEM): 4,485

Geoffrey Bastin (UKIP): 2,006

Jonathan Kent (GREEN); 1,438

More to follow.

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