Simple recipes for good gut health

Potato cakesPotato cakes
Potato cakes
The recipe for keeping your stomach happy could be simpler than you think however, as easy to find foods, that many of us already have in our fridge, freezer and cupboards – such as bananas, beans, berries, nuts and vegetables – can all be part of a gut healthy diet.

Spinach and Potato Cakes

Dr Joan Ransley said: "Potato cakes topped with a runny poached egg make a delicious, substantial breakfast. You can add as many ‘trimmings’ as you like – tomatoes, mushrooms, or even some smoked salmon.

"There are lots of gut friendly, nutritious ingredients in this meal. Leafy greens, such as spinach and kale, are excellent sources of dietary fibre, as well as polyphenols.

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Cod tray bakeCod tray bake
Cod tray bake

"Polyphenols and fibre are known to increase the diversity of the gut microbiota which in turn stimulates the production of different bacterial metabolites. These metabolites include short chain fatty acids such as butyrate that help to protect the intestinal wall."

Preparation - 10 min

Cooking time – 20 minutes

Serves 4