Film review: Avengers: Infinity War (4 out of 5)

Avengers: Infinity War PHOTO: Marvel Studios EMN-180419-131625001 EMN-180419-131625001Avengers: Infinity War PHOTO: Marvel Studios EMN-180419-131625001 EMN-180419-131625001
Avengers: Infinity War PHOTO: Marvel Studios EMN-180419-131625001 EMN-180419-131625001
The previous 18 Marvel movies have been leading up to this long and all-encompassing storyline but has it been worth the wait?

The Infinity War comic books are a good read and the team behind the film have certainly come up with a thrilling all-action film.

And I was swept along, apart from one aspect.

Infinity War has a very different approach to a blockbuster movie and without treading on spoiler territory I wasn’t too enamoured about the ending - too much emphasis on the fact that Marvel movies are a ongoing series.

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Following on from the storyline of previous films, the Avengers are now split up, with a number in hiding.

But an intergalactic despot Thanos (who we’ve had glimpses of before) is in search of the infinity stones which will give him total power over the universe.

As he roams the galaxy with his troops he comes in contact with most of the superheroes we’ve encountered so far.

So we have scenes with the likes of Thor, Black Panther, Iron Man and Captain America either on their own or in a mash-up fight.

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However, the film moves to another level when the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive on the scene.

This disparate crew have been the jewel in the Marvel saga and the comic element is spot on again.

As you’d expect, the action scenes are quite breath-taking and the special effects extraordinary.

The Marvel team have attracted a host of excellent actors, so the performances are as strong as ever, although Zoe Saldana as Gamora stood out for me.

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The two and a half hours of the film was just about OK, although having to sit through several more minutes of credits for a teaser (just the one this time) always rankles.

However, this brief taster does sort of introduce a major Marvel character due for a solo project next year and, obviously, will be instrumental in the next Avengers movie.

Film details: Avengers: Infinity War (12A) 149mins

Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo

Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo

Screening courtesy of Horsham Capitol

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